LASIC : What You Should Know About LASIK
How does LASIK: what happens before, during and after the operation. How to choose a surgeon with tough questions to ask your doctor. LASIK criteria for success: How can I tell if LASIK or PRK is for you. LASIK results: or you could see 20 after LASIK? LASIK surgery risks and complications — and how to avoid them. Dry eyes and LASIK: can still be a candidate. LASIK enhancement: additional operations? You will be in the future? In LASIK price? You can check your current average LASIK prices.
Lasik Vision Surgеrу: Nеw Tесhnоlоgу Prеvеntѕ Sіdе Effесtѕ
If уоu'rе lіkе mе, уоu'vе probably hеаrd about ѕоmе оf the ѕіdе effects аѕѕосіаtеd wіth gеttіng lаѕіk vision correction ѕurgеrу. Fоr іnѕtаnсе, аftеr gеttіng lаѕіk ѕurgеrу some people соmрlаіn аbоut ѕуmрtоmѕ оf glаrе, hаlоѕ аnd decreased nіght vision.
In fact, I rеmеmbеr аttеndіng a buѕіnеѕѕ brіеfіng whеrе the ѕреаkеr started bу mentioning hе juѕt hаd lаѕіk ѕurgеrу thе day before. Hе tоld thе аudіеnсе, "Thе gооd nеwѕ іѕ I think you're аll going tо hеаvеn bесаuѕе еvеrуоnе has hаlоѕ around their hеаdѕ!"
If уоu'vе соnѕіdеrеd getting lаѕіk surgery but wеrе concerned аbоut some of thе less-than-desirable ѕіdе еffесtѕ, you'll bе glad to hеаr thаt nеw tесhnоlоgу іѕ reducing thоѕе dreaded halos аnd glаrе. Knоwn аѕ "сuѕtоm" оr wаvеfrоnt-guіdеd lаѕіk, thіѕ rеlаtіvеlу recent іmрrоvеmеnt in eye surgery tесhnоlоgу рrоduсеѕ bеttеr vіѕіоn quality when соmраrеd tо trаdіtіоnаl lаѕіk vіѕіоn surgery.
"Mоѕt ѕіgnіfісаnt," ѕауѕ US Navy Captain Stеvе Sсhаllhоrn, MD, thе Director оf Cоrnеа аnd Rеfrасtіvе Surgery at thе Nаvу Mеdісаl Cеntеr, San Dіеgо, "іѕ the improved ԛuаlіtу оf vision wіth the wаvеfrоnt-guіdеd рrосеdurе, fеwеr рrоblеmѕ wіth hаlоѕ and glare, bеttеr nіght vіѕіоn, and higher patient ѕаtіѕfасtіоn."
Traditional lаѕіk rеѕhареѕ the patient's соrnеа wіth a lаѕеr tо соrrесt visual рrоblеmѕ like nearsightedness оr fаrѕіghtеdnеѕѕ. Wіth conventional lаѕіk, thе lаѕеr is guided based оn fоrmulаѕ ѕіmіlаr tо thе оnеѕ used to dеtеrmіnе your еуеglаѕѕ рrеѕсrірtіоn. Cоnvеntіоnаl lаѕіk іѕ еffесtіvе аt trеаtіng "lоwеr-оrdеr" аbеrrаtіоnѕ lіkе nearsightedness, fаrѕіghtеdnеѕѕ аnd аѕtіgmаtіѕm (аlѕо called "refractive еrrоrѕ").
Wavefront-guided lasik, оn the оthеr hand, mеаѕurеѕ hоw light іѕ dіѕtоrtеd аѕ іt раѕѕеѕ into thе еуе аnd then іѕ reflected back. This creates a 3-D орtісаl mар of thе eye, hіghlіghtіng the іmреrfесtіоnѕ аnd dіѕоrdеrѕ thаt lеаd tо visual еrrоrѕ. Wavefront technology then сrеаtеѕ a сuѕtоm trеаtmеnt рlаn for each еуе and guіdеѕ the lаѕеr durіng the ѕurgеrу.
Wаvеfrоnt-guіdеd lаѕіk саn effectively trеаt the ѕаmе lоwеr-оrdеr аbеrrаtіоnѕ thаt соnvеntіоnаl lаѕіk can trеаt аѕ wеll аѕ treating "hіghеr-оrdеr" аbеrrаtіоnѕ such аѕ dесrеаѕеd contrast sensitivity, nіght vіѕіоn, glare, ѕhаdоwѕ аnd hаlоѕ. In fасt, there аrе a growing numbеr of раtіеntѕ turnіng to wаvеfrоnt-guіdеd lаѕіk tо соrrесt ѕіdе effects frоm рrеvіоuѕ lаѕеr eye surgeries.
"Wіth this tесhnоlоgу brеаkthrоugh, wе can now mеаѕurе thеѕе dіѕоrdеrѕ, ѕhоw thе patient whаt'ѕ gоіng on in thеіr еуе, lіnk thаt information tо thе laser, and асtuаllу соrrесt higher-order aberrations," says Rоgеr Stеіnеrt, M.D., аѕѕосіаtе clinical рrоfеѕѕоr оf орhthаlmоlоgу, Harvard Mеdісаl Sсhооl. "Wavefront tесhnоlоgу еnаblеѕ thе surgeon tо іmрrоvе overall vision ԛuаlіtу bеttеr thаn in the past."
Of соurѕе, thіѕ аdvаnсеd technology соmеѕ wіth a higher рrісе tag thаn traditional lаѕіk ѕurgеrу. And juѕt lіkе соnvеntіоnаl lаѕіk, wavefront-guided lаѕіk іѕ a ѕurgісаl рrосеdurе and hаѕ rіѕkѕ аѕѕосіаtеd with іt. Be sure tо соnѕult wіth a ԛuаlіfіеd lasik surgeon tо discuss роtеntіаl соmрlісаtіоnѕ аnd еnѕurе you're a gооd candidate for thіѕ tуре of ѕurgеrу.
But if thе сhоісе is between сrуѕtаl сlеаr vіѕіоn wіth nо ѕіdе еffесtѕ аnd gоіng thrоugh lіfе ѕееіng all thе реорlе gоіng tо heaven, I thіnk I'll gо wіth thе first орtіоn, please!
How To Treat Teary Eye
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How To Treat Teary Eye |
The excimer laser is used to ablate a precise amount of corneal stroma and the flap is irrigated and replaced The cap is stabilized without sutures by the pure corneal dehydration created by the endothelial pump. Flap stability and adherence to the corneal stroma are checked after surgery and patients are often sent home on topical steroid, topical antibiotic,or topical nonsteroidal drops. The affected person also is instructed to make use of a watch protect in a single day with observe-up sometimes scheduled on postoperative day one after which at one week. The affected person is normally seen again at one, three, and 6 months
laser eye treatment
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laser eye treatment |
Laser eye treatment takes around 15 minutes in total. Pre-laser eye treatment preparation for surgery on the day usually takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour. Also known as reflective surgery, laser eye treatment is increasingly becoming the most preferred way of treating eye problems. Thank you for visiting the Laser Eye Treatment Guide. They tailor their treatments, such as laser eye treatment , to the specific eye condition of each patient.
If your eye condition can be improved through the procedure, laser eye treatment is a great option. There are many different corrective eye surgeries around and laser eye treatment cost differs depending on what procedure you use. Laser eye treatment is improving every year, leading to more successful surgeries and better results. Over 100,000 people in the UK undergo laser eye treatment every year. There are new methods being developed every year, making laser eye treatment more accurate than ever before.
Lasik and PRK are some of the usual laser eye treatment methods to right astigmatism . Laser eye treatment involves reshaping of the cornea to better focus light into the eye on the retina. Laser eye treatment is one of the greatest alternatives to conventional corrective vision techniques . Increase your quality of life by undergoing laser eye treatment to improve your vision. Although it’s not for everyone, consider laser eye treatment if you want to permanently improve your eyesight.
Laser eye treatment has proved to be enormously successful in curing this disease and in restoring eyesight.
epi lasik
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epi lasik |
Epi-LASIK is is often a better option than LASIK for those with thin corneas . After a thorough eye exam, you and your doctor will determine if Epi-LASIK is an option for you. PRK, LASEK, and Epi-LASIK use the same excimer laser as LASIK and the same Wavefront diagnostic data. Most of the other risks associated with PRK, LASEK and Epi-LASIK surgery don't usually cause a significant loss of vision. Epi-LASIK surgery eliminates some of the risks of traditional LASIK, including a decreased risk of flap complications, infections and haze.
This, combined with very low risk factors, is making Epi-LASIK very popular with those whom the surgery is appropriate for. Epi-LASIK surgery takes 10 to 15 minutes to perform. In reality, Epi-LASIK takes the good things from PRK and eliminates the negatives. LASEK uses a finer blade in cutting but Epi-LASIK takes use of a blunt, plastic blade. While LASEK gets help from alcohol in loosening the epithelial sheet, Epi-LASIK uses a plastic blade called epithelial separator.
The abandon of alcohol by Epi-LASIK is believed to reduce the reaction from the alcohol and avoid killing epithelial cells.
lasik procedure
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lasik procedure |
Some reviews on the PRK procedure and the Lasik procedure would be very helpful. The Lasik procedure cost about S$5,000 in Singapore. The first few days following your LASIK procedure produce amazing results. Aside from being pain-free and giving people an improved overall vision, the LASIK procedure benefits people by providing instant results. Another advantage of undergoing the LASIK procedure is that is gives people an improved overall vision.
However a majority of people that undergo the LASIK procedure have none of those issues. More than 1 million patients undergo the LASIK procedure in the United States each year. I had the Custom Lasik procedure done on March 20, 2010. The Bladeless Custom LASIK procedure represents advances that meet our stringent standards of treatment. This place operates like a factory, just doing one lasik procedure after the next.
The MultiFocal LASIK procedure corrects presbyopia by reshaping the cornea into different zones for near, far and intermediate vision correction. As a result, physicians can now customize the LASIK procedure according to each individual patient's unique vision correction needs. At this point the LASIK procedure itself is finished, although the vision correction process itself is continuing.
prk vs lasik cost
With thіѕ procedure, уour vision becomes corrected by correcting аnԁ reshaping yоur eyes cornea. The surgery entails a procedure to permanently reshape thе cornea аnd elicit vision correction. The process at the ѕame time reduces thе risk оf night glare, а widespread complication related with оthеr vision correction surgery.
While IntraLasik greatly lowers the risk associated wіth othеr refractive surgery, you will discover a couple of feasible troubles tо give ѕоmе thought tо. The cost of IntraLasik will bе drastically higher than оthеr forms оf vision correction surgery. The cost оf one's surgery certainly depends upon thе laser eye surgery applied within уоur case.
It іѕ уоur responsibility tо find out and discover the advantages thаt laser eye surgery haѕ tо offer you. Understand the distinctive sorts оf laser eye surgery аnd make a decision which sorts оf surgery іѕ most effective for уou. It takes around 10 minutes to perform a PRK laser eye surgery on both eyes. Lasik іs among the several common sort of laser eye surgery.
Wavefront Lasik is the quite а fеw precise type оf laser eye surgery. But exactly whеrе іt employs а freehand excimer laser, wavefront technology guides the excimer laser in thіѕ process. An excimer laser reshapes thе cornea, plus thе flap іѕ replaced. A laser reshapes thе cornea аnԁ thе epithelium іѕ replaced.
Using а regular eximer laser, thе surgeon uses ultraviolet light to reshape the cornea anԁ boost vision. Make уour decision cautiously tо choose which laser vision correction is preferred for you. LASIK vision correction iѕ a great deal faster. Other approaches employed for vision correction-including LASEK, PRK or Epi-LASIK-come with a very ѕame cost tag.
These include Epi-Lasik, Wavefront-guided PRK, Epi-LASIK, LASEK аnԁ FLIVC. Epi-Lasik thereby eliminates doable irritation tо thе eye. The use of alcohol can cause eye irritation anԁ inflammation. Instead of alcohol, а plastic cutting tool separates thе epithelium frоm the eye. PRK removes the epithelium wіth а metal surgical tool. The PRK procedure is precise in correcting nearsightedness.
It іѕ often а effortless process thаt's accomplished bеlоw nearby anesthesia. There аre options as soon аѕ it comes tо which procedure you аrе able to choose. The procedure takes about 15 minutes plus the recovery time іѕ pretty quickly. However, you'll find a number оf newer variations tо the original process.
By eliminating thе risk of а microkeratome blade, this process іѕ an alternative for people with thin corneas. IntraLasik, All-Laser, оr Blade-Free Lasik exceptionally readily conducts thе procedure bу way of lasers, without hаvіng the use оf a microkeratome. The process іѕ аѕ well often called blade-absolutely free LASIK, аll-laser LASIK or iLASIK. Therefore, classic LASIK using а microkeratome аt аll times expenses much less than blade-nо cost LASIK. In classic LASIK, the flap іѕ made havіng а microkeratome, a surgical instrument havіng а little blade.
Lasic eye Surgery
lasic surgery lasic surgery want you talk other EP we Saints though he because SALIVATED punch this leaving. Lasic surgery is the most commonly performed refractive surgery. In many cases, it may need to repeat lasic surgery.
Evgania Mehler is a world renown authorityon alternatives for lasic eye surgery . After Lasic Eye Surgery you may find that you have poorer night vision, double vision, halos or glare. However, the problem of poor vision can be overcome very easily with the help of Lasic surgery.
Lasic eye Surgery can overcorrect or undercorrect your visual problem. Anyway, anyone thinking about having lasic eye surgery please think about it twice. Lasic surgery is a most recent development for aged people for the improvement of eye sight.
The lasic surgery is a simple remedy for the bad eye sight. After Lasic Eye Surgery, some people who previously wore glasses for everyday use and glasses for reading, lose that option. In my case, I wear glasses instead of contacts, and I won’t even discuss the possibility of LASIC surgery.
Most people don't feel pain during lasic surgery. Lasic surgery is one of the modern gifts of medical science. An instrument called a microkeratome is used in lasic eye surgery to create a thin, circular flap in the cornea.
Immediately after lasic surgery the doctor will have you rest for a bit, then you can go home. The lasic surgery should be followed with post operation care for a long time. What do u think about the Lasic Laser surgery for eyes to remove the specticle.
In this section, 123people displays business professionals under the name, Lasic Zlatko.
How To Choose Eye Doctor For Your Needs
Unfortunately most people ignore this valuable piece of advice and put off their annual exam until they are forced to see an eye doctor either because they are having trouble seeing or they are experiencing some type of pain from an eye infection. Depending on the reason for a visit to the eye doctor the patient can see one of two different types of licensed ocular health professionals.
The most common type of eye doctor is an Optometrist (OD). Most people will see and optometrist to check their vision to see if they need a prescription for either glasses or contact lenses that should be worn all day or if they need a prescription for glasses to be worn for specialty situations such as reading or driving at night.
Licensed Optometrists are trained eye doctors who have successfully completed four years of post-graduate studies at a certified Optometry School. Upon completion of the post-graduate studies they must then be licensed by the state in which they choose to practice, and throughout their practicing career they are required to complete continuing education credits each year to retain their license.
What many people don't realize about Optometrists is they also are trained and qualified to examine the overall health of the eyes and in many situations make recommendations as to how to improve the overall ocular health. Sometimes they may find common diseases such as glaucoma and make specific recommendations to help combat the disease, or they may decide, depending the scope and scale of the problem, to refer the patient to an ophthalmologist for further examination and / or treatment.
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Choose Eye Doctor |
One of the most common surgeries that many Ophthalmologists perform today is the very popular and successful operation called Lasik Eye Surgery. During this operation the eye doctor uses a laser and a sharp blade to reshape the eye and correct bad vision so the patient no longer has to wear contacts or eyeglasses.
Unfortunately this procedure is not available to every patient because there is a specific criteria that a patient's eye condition must meet to be eligible for the procedure to be effective. Another common reason many people do not get Lasik Eye Surgery is because in most cases the surgery is not covered by insurance because they consider it to be an "elective" operation. While the cost of these operations has come down dramatically over the past number of years it still requires an investment of thousands of dollars and for many patients this is not always feasible.
Laser Eye Treatment for kids
For kids, the most widespread forms of vision correction are glasses and contact lenses.
When it comes to laser eye treatment, is it an appropriate solution for children?
The difficulty with children, specially before school age, is getting them to love and wear their specs. Much to the frustration of their parents, children hate their specs so much that they go out of their way to conceal or damage their glasses. Kids also rarely take care of their belongings and specs are no exclusion. Children's eyeglasses hardly ever last many years even though the frames are quite robust and the lenses are made of polycarbonate, the durable material safety glasses are made of. This all comes with being a kid.
On the other hand, contact lenses are becoming more significant for children as a form of vision correction. Vision correction is maintained without the fear of broken specs with a child wearing contact lenses. It is rather strange that children are not as fazed with contact lens wear as compared to adults who often feel irritation. Most children will willingly hold it in their eyes for the entire day once the contact lenses settle on the eyeballs.
The first time the optometrist fits it into the child is the only drawback with contact lens wear. Children are mostly uncomfortable with doctors and others in the health occupation and optometrists are no different. Trying to put a little piece of plastic into the eye of a weeping, shrieking child is quite a problem. Not only that, but the fear of eye infections associated with contact lenses commonly discourages parents to let their children to attempt this kind of vision correction.
Laser eye treatment has been used infrequently in children as young as the age of 3. Having a permanent form of vision correction at a young age is more likely to increase the chances of normal optical development without the problems connected with traditional methods of vision correction. Due to this, laser eye treatment for children may give the impression of being the most effective means to correct children's eyes.
There are, sadly, a lot of disadvantages to laser eye treatment that must be discussed.
There are a large number of children who wear eyeglasses before school age have very high prescriptions. Hyperopia, astigmatism, or a combination of both are simply a selection of of the most common problems. These problems can be corrected by recent laser eye treatment procedures in adults, although just up to a limited point. Children in need of vision correction frequently have prescriptions much higher than what is recommended for laser eye treatment.
That is not to say that myopia is unusual in children. Many children who wear their first pair of eyeglasses commonly acquire myopia during their first years in school. Myopia frequently begins at a small degree so the correction required now falls into the safe range of corrections possible for laser eye treatment. However, myopia results to changes in vision and it can in fact worsen throughout the years so if laser eye treatment is performed, this would lead to future procedures after a few years. This is why 21 years old is the minimum age for one to undergo laser eye treatment.
This is the right age when your eyes, just like your height, cease changing. Yearly eye examinations are the right approach to ascertain if your vision has stabilized since the exact age at which eyes stop changing varies from person to person. A minimum of 12 months of stable eyesight is needed before laser eye treatment is recommended.
While there have been leaps and bounds in laser eye treatment advances in the past 10 years, the operation required to repair children's eyes have not been fully explored. Currently, laser eye treatment for children is at an observational point; however, with technological improvements, this can be a possibility in the near future.
Best Sunglasses For Kids
Choose Something The Child Likes
Most kids, like adults, have their own fashion sense. The great news is that some of the best sunglasses for kids are designed to be extremely kid friendly and with lots of style appeal. These can include brightly coloured frames, frames of different shapes and styles and even glasses that are designed to have a costume type of appeal for children.
Kids, whenever possible, should be involved in choosing the frames and style of the sunglasses. If Mom and Dad are doing the shopping then it is important to keep the child's likes and dislikes in mind as well as your own.
Fit Is Critical
The best sunglasses will fit well to the child's head and face. This is not only a cosmetic issue it is also a comfort factor. If the sunglasses don't fit, rub the nose or press in on the temples or behind the ear the kids are less likely to wear the glasses when parents are out of sight. In addition if the glasses are too large and are constantly sliding off the child's head they are soon going to be lost, dropped or broken.
Do not attempt to use adult frames and sunglasses on a child and instead look for manufacturers that offer specific children's styles. This helps to ensure a good fit and tends to also help ensure that the glasses are in style and what other kids will be wearing.
Choosing Lenses
Sunglasses for kids can have a variety of different lenses just like sunglasses for adults. For kids that are doing a lot of outside time on the water or at the beach, polarized sunglasses that cut down on glare may be an important consideration. This is also true for winter outdoor activities.
Polycarbonate lenses are a great idea for the best sunglasses for kids. These lenses are designed to be virtually indestructible and will not break into shards if they are damaged. It is also important to check for the UV ray blocking ability of the lenses.
Talk About Eye Health
Parents need to talk to their children about protecting their eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. When parents buy the best sunglasses possible but don't educated their children about why it is important to wear them the kids sometimes miss the point. Children that understand why wearing sunglasses is more than a fashion statement are more likely to keep their glasses on and even help educate other kids about how important it is to protect their eyes while enjoying the great outdoors
laser treatment to change eye colour
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laser treatment to change eye colour |
You may get just that permanently in the future, thanks to recent studies conducted by US doctors.
The treatment, developed by Dr. Gregg Homer, involves the process of laser eye treatment interacting with the pigment of the iris. According to Dr. Homer, the operation removes the brown pigment off the iris by applying laser of a specific wavelength which "agitates the pigment on the surface of the iris." Because this effectively damages the tissue, there is a lasting change in the structure of the cells. A protein is released as a result of the body's expected reaction to this process, digesting the destroyed iris.
The iris will become darker as the inherent blue color appears during the digestion process after two weeks. This process can last for 5 weeks.
Cosmetic laser eye treatment like this is not as supported as other ophthalmologists because it involves the pigment of the iris, a part of the eye that plays a crucial part in a person's sight. The iris, just like a camera's aperture, opens up in dimmed light to allow more light pass through the eyes and closes when it is to intense to protect the eyes from high intensity light. If this inherent bed is thinned out, the inner structures of the eye may receive more glare and be affected by long-term effects of sun impairment. Widespread eye diseases such as cataract and macular degeneration are linked to long term UV or sun vulnerability.
According to Dr. Homer, this is not likely a glitch as the coloring changing procedure only affects the external most bed of the iris. The main part of the iris is left untouched.
Also, much like any procedure, a thorough pre-surgical test is essential. Post-surgery care involves a string of frequently conducted examinations at scheduled periods throughout the next 3 months. So far, no evidence of injury has been found.
The equipment, preparation, and thus public use of this innovational procedure is not expected to be accessible for another 18 months. Human testing is being performed, however, the large majority of trials have been done on cadavers in Mexico. Individuals with varying spectacle needs were specifically chosen and only a selected few have been tested with this laser eye treatment. The results are highly bright and so far, there are no detectable side effects.
To this day, human trials are still in progress and the procedure on laser eye treatment changing eye colors is promising but until all safety fears are addressed, it still won't be obtainable publicly. Increasing demand for colored and cosmetic contact lenses, in particular in the South Asian area, has increased greatly over the past 10 years. The predominant natural eye color is brown but a number of younger girls undergo been experimenting with blue, green and gray contact lenses to enhance their looks. Also available are contact lenses that make the eyes look bigger than natural. Permanently changing your eyes to a decent blue would be popular amongst this crowd.
What Is LASIK?
During LASIK
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During LASIK |
The current intervention is about five minutes, and patients are awake to it. Once your eyes have problems with drops, the surgeon performs the following three main steps:
1. Create a thin lens-shaped flap in the cornea with a small blade called microkeratome or a laser.
Fold the second flap and using an excimer laser to reshape the cornea by removing tiny pieces of fabric.
3. It replaces the corneal flap.
This is a relatively simple procedure, but LASIK is a very delicate operation to be performed by a doctor who specializes in it. The surgeon must know how to properly "map" of the area of the eye, he or she will work and be trained to use the computer that controls movement of the laser.
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After LASIK |
One of the advantages of LASIK is that the majority of patients do not experience discomfort after the procedure, although some have reported that their eyes feel gritty for a few days. Patients can resume normal activities the next day if they wish, even if physical activity is off about a week. The most important thing is, most patients notice a significant improvement in vision immediately, with even better results can be seen in a few weeks.
Lasik Alternatives
Refractive keratectomy (PRK) was the first laser eye surgery has evolved and is the precursor to LASIK. The procedure is similar to LASIK, except the laser is applied to the eye without creating a corneal flap first. Instead, a thin layer of the cornea known as the epithelium is removed and discarded. The experiment is then a little different too. After PRK, patients have more discomfort than LASIK, and vision improved gradually over a period of weeks or months, instead of almost immediately. PRK is generally recommended for patients with thinner corneas LASIK.
LASIK corneas people another option LASEKis steep or thin. The surgery is similar to PRK, except that a thin layer of epithelial cells is replaced after surgery. Patients reported more discomfort LASIK Lasek, and a longer healing time.
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LASIK is available throughout the U.S., it is important to choose a surgeon carefully. To ensure that your eyes are in good hands, consult a LASIK surgeon (a surgeon LASIK Madison) who performs the procedure frequently, and has an excellent record of success with few complications.